To help you plan your own festive Christmas this year here is a list of the Christmas Services and Events that are planned across the benefice, please join us at this special time of the year!!
St Peter’s Panto:

Five Days of Christmas, daily till Christmas Eve:

Christmas Eve:
Virtual Christingle Service (Wrenthorpe & Outwood) 2.00 pm online service
Christingle Service (Alverthorpe) This online only service will be broadcast from St Paul’s at 5.00 pm.
Please come along to the Church beforehand (on Tue 22nd between 2.00 & 4.00 pm or Wed 23rd between 5.00 & 7.00 pm) to collect free Christingle materials.
Crib Service (Wrenthorpe) 3.30 pm in person at St Anne’s Church.
Because of COVID restrictions this service is by free ticket only. Contact us for a ticket
Christingle Service (Outwood) 4.00 pm in person at St Mary Magdalene
Join us for carol singing at 4pm outside church before the services start! Booking is required.
Christingle Service – Online (Wrenthorpe) Broadcast from St Anne’s at 5.00 pm .
Watch this space for an announcement about when and where to pick up Christingle kits.
Christmas Eve Mass (Wrenthorpe) 8.30 pm in person at St Anne’s (booking required )
Christmas Eve Mass (Outwood) Carols outside at 8.00 pm followed by service inside at 8.30 (booking required for the inside service)
Midnight communion service (Stanley) 11.00 pm in person at St Peter’s
A traditional service with readings and carols to welcome Christmas Day. Sadly we will only be able to have 30 people attending this service. Please note this service will not be available online.
Christmas Day
Family service. (Stanley) 10.00 am in person at St Peter’s. A festive and fun service to celebrate Christmas Day! Sadly we will only be able to have 30 people attending this service. This service will not be available online.
Family Service. (Alverthorpe) 10.00 am in person at St Paul’s. – Also on Facebook
Christmas Morning Mass (Outwood) 10.00am in person at St Mary Magdalene . (booking required)
Christmas Morning Mass (Wrenthorpe). 10.00 am in person at St Anne’s (booking required)
Christmas Day to 2nd Jan
Comfort and Joy: Nine Lessons and Carols from the Church of England
The reflections for each day from Christmas Day to 2 January feature contributions from Kate Bottley, Jonathan Bryan, Bob Chilcott, Martha Collison, Stephen Cottrell, Guli Francis-Dehqani, Chine McDonald, Sally Phillips and Justin Welby.
More details here
Sunday 27th December:
Morning service from St Pauls in person and online