Mindful moments are a series of videos exploring different aspects of mindfulness, its origins, its benefits and a variety of strategies that everyone can incorporate into daily life. The benefits are well attested and described in many medical journals, especially around the reduction of stress and anxiety. For further information see NHS https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/
Mindful Moments 8
Mindful Moments 7
Coming to our senses and the experience of the Prodigal Son
Mindful Moments 6
An exploration of the use of our senses in guided garden meditation based on Holy Rood, Thirsk
Mindful Moments 5
A short summary of mindful techniques and an introduction to managing unsettling thoughts with reference to Matthew 6 vv25-34.
Mindful Moments 4
Mindful Moments 4 (8.27) covers the concept of loving kindness and paying kind attention to ourselves using Tim Stead “Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality”.
For other resources try Youtube TED talk by Prof Shauna Shapiro ‘What you practice grows stronger
Mindful Moments 3
Mindful Moments 3 (13.11) covers an exploration of the present moment, the value of structures and routines and a guided meditation on replenishment using Wanda Nash “People Need Stillness”
Mindful Moments 2
Mindful Moments 2 (13.14) covers mindful breathing and the concept of ‘choosing the view’ , looking at different perspectives positively, following Phillippians 4:8-9