You can complete any of the courses below, anytime, online by registering on the online training portal. Alternatively, we do run in person training on ocasions as necessary.
Keep me in the loop!! – When you register on the online training portal, you can update your profile to allow me to view your training record. Please add my email address to your profile as in the picture below. That will help me keep my records up to date. Thanks!!

Basic Awareness
Everybody involved in Church life is invited to undertake the Basic Awareness Safeguarding Course provided by the Church of England. It is required training for ALL church officers/volunteers.
The Foundations course is for all who hold responsibility for the safeguarding of others within a church setting. Required training for PCC members.
Safe Recruiting
For all those involved in the recruitment, selection and/or management of staff or volunteers within our churches
Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
A course exploring the nature and dynamics of domestic abuse, with a focus on church settings. Required training for PCC members.